Some of you may know some of you may now know I am a victim and a survivor of domestic violence. The physical lasted for 5yrs and the verbal lasted for 8yrs it took me a very long time to let go of that toxic relationship, and with a lot therapy, meetings and support from family and REAL friends I am 100% in a better mind space and choose to love myself but being a victim of this horrendous act is something I battle with every day. The memories haunt me, the things that people will never ever know I endured, I will live with for the rest of my life. I will always remember all of those who heard my silent cry and chose to look the other way or pretended there was no problem. Thank you bc of you I am not the person I was all those years ago and my faith in people shifted. I have been an advocate for domestic violence survivors and those that lost their lives for a long time. I speak to high school girls about my story and I am very honest about what happened and the rock bottom that changed my entire life. If you don’t know anyone and have never been affected by Domestic Violence then consider yourself  LUCKY bc more women are affected by Domestic Violence then Breast Cancer, 1 in 4 women will be a victim and an average of 3 women are killed a day,3 millions kids are witness to domestic violence each year. Just like addiction this is not a choice manipulation, fear, finances, low self-esteem etc. There is a list of things that lead to someone staying in a toxic relationship. October may be Domestic Violence awareness month but I hope and pray that all of you take the time and just notice someone, help, call, text, it literally can change everything. It’s a hard topic to talk to your kids about girls and boys  but it needs to be done. Domestic Violence does not discriminate we are all vulnerable to this type of treatment. You do not have to have a rocky childhood believe me it can happen to you, your mom, your dad, your son, your daughter, your best friend. Let your loved ones know you are there not to just talk but to listen.


Victim, Survivor, and now Advocate


Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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