“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” Martin Luther King Jr.
“I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation” Malcolm X

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to start this post, I know I wanted the first sentence to be a strong one to give the reader a clear outlook on what this post was going to be about. No gray area clear and precise on my thoughts. So who better to give my readers a clear understanding on why this post is necessary but a quote from Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

These quotes are extremely important right now due to the fact that men and women are being threatened for protesting what they feel is an injustice not only to themselves but to others. We live in a world where people rather walk the streets blindly and pretend things are not going on in the world. We live in a world where people of color have to sit back and pretend to have the same rights as everyone else just because I can now drink from the same fountain or sit in the front of the bus. We live in a world where the president of the United States of America would rather divide people instead of unite people.

Right now the whole worlds seem to be divided because football players are deciding to #takeaknee since the President of the United States decided to involve himself with the 1st amendment rights we ALL have and tweet about how football players should be fired if they decide to take a knee when the National Anthem is being played. An anthem that does not support me specifically. I don’t remember the flag giving me the right to love who I want to love, to sit where I want to sit, to go to school where I want to go to school. For most of us we see this for what it is Donald Trump trying to blind side us from the real issues. There is a lot going on in the world Puerto Rico doesn’t have any power due to hurricane Maria, Trump is trying to pass this health care bill that would leave millions of Americans without health insurance, he is also trying to go war with Russia. Our Public school system is suffering from overcrowding which makes our kids suffer. People are paying more towards their student loans than they’re getting in a paycheck. I wish people would wake up and realize what Trump and his followers are really trying to do.

Why do you have a problem with people kneeling what is your reason behind it? I need a real valid argument as to why you have a problem with someone kneeling during the national anthem. If your answer is just that it isn’t right or its disrespectful I want you to use more of your brain cells because that is not an answer. If you’re going to argue something at least have a valid argument. People are going to be mad and that’s fine you’re entitled to your opinion just like I am entitled to protest any injustice I feel in a nonviolent way without having my job or lively hood threatened. Taking a Knee is about our 1st Amendment right. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and the petition the government for a redress of grievances” Kaepernick has the right to kneel, stand, sit walk, close his eyes during the national anthem as an American citizen that is his right. That is ALL of our rights. America said so. You cannot pick and choose what rights you want to uphold and not uphold. The president does not have the right to tell private organizations to fire or suspend workers because they choose to protest something they feel is an injustice to them or others. This is not why we have a President of the United States. What also makes me upset is everyone that is taking a knee now just because #notmypresident Trump decided to say all football players should be fired. Where were all the football players when Kaepernick needed you to take a knee and stand by his side? “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” Martin Luther King Jr. once again the bandwagon approach wins. What does the future look like for your kids, your grand kids, your great grand kids because it isn’t looking to good from where I am sitting.

The NFL doesn’t care about the rights of it players. The NFL is joining the bandwagon for ratings. I am sure some people are going to say the NFL doesn’t need ratings but at the end of the day controversy sells. Also there are still a lot of people who do not watch football why not join the new trend “Take a knee” the amount of money the NFL makes off of African-American players you would think they would genuinely support the injustice African American’s are facing here in good old America. If they really wanted to right their wrong they would hire Kaepernick back. He has the right to protest against police brutality, we all have a right to protest against police brutality and the best way to stand for something is to not allow others to cloud your judgement or make you feel like you have to defend something you know in your heart is wrong. “Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.” Martin Luther King Jr This statement is powerful because we all must pick a side it may not seem fair but we all must pick one and you’re either on the side of right or wrong. Trying to pretend or ignore the issue doesn’t fix anything. Sitting in the locker room while the rest of the world is fighting for equal right doesn’t help anything. “Taking a Knee” has nothing to do with dishonoring the American Flag. This is just the beginning the fight never truly ended and will not end until the rights of everyone is upheld and not given when seen fit. Our judgement is being clouded by fear the same fear that people have always felt, can’t let the blacks get too much power to much say they will over power us. The fear of equal right for all is really showing some of you guys true colors. And for my fellow minorities that honestly feel like #notmypresident Trump has your best interest at heart here is a quote from Malcolm X that you might be able to relate to “They put your mind right in a bag, and take it wherever they want.” Malcolm X #wakeup #staywoke 



Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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