I am so excited to announce that I am finally starting my very own podcast on Linéh pronounced (lee-nay).

I have been talking about starting my own Podcast for at least two years now. Between working full-time and being a mom I don’t have a lot of time to sit and talk but it is something I am passionate about so I told myself I would find the time. I have been through a lot in my life. I had both my daughters young the 1st one at 19 and my 2nd one 1 month shy of my 22nd birthday; I also dealt with domestic violence for 5 yrs. Finally leaving that relationship and standing on my own two feet felt so amazing. I have also struggled with my sexuality, knowing for years that I felt an attraction to both women and men but always keeping it to myself. I have dealt with almost losing my daughter and my immediate blood line to a very bad car accident. I suffered with postpartum and depression for a long time, I worked my way through that with therapy and becoming a Buddhist. I battle with fertility issues; I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) in 2014. I am writing all of this to say I honestly feel like I have so much insight on dos and don’ts in life. I don’t know it all that’s for sure and I am learning everyday but if I can just let one woman or one young girl know that it will be okay, that there is light on the other side then it is all worth it.

I have always been told I have a “radio voice”; I took voice-over and acting classes in my early twenties at Barbizon Modeling and Acting school. Unfortunately being a single mom took priority so I enrolled in college and got a job to support myself and my kids. Now that both my girls are older and have a little more independence I am finally able to shine light on my dreams and into the universe. I am ready to start doing things that will make me genuinely happy. I am exercising, changing my diet, trying to travel a little and just explore what I couldn’t before. I am so excited about 2019 and all that it has to offer me. I was so nervous to do my first podcast but you don’t know until you try. So here I am world I hope you are ready for me. Please check me out you can find my shows on The Spreaker website, twitter @tlbgray, and YouTube. I also have an IG Hope you’re listening

Starting My Podcast


Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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