“Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity. In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of color and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused. The feedback that has been shared is important to us and we’ll use it to guide us in the future.” Dove





Dove you missed the mark, I mean seriously that is what Dove reps wants us to believe that they missed the mark. #bullshit Let’s make one thing very clear here whom ever is on the DOVE committee whether they be Black, White, Asian, Indian, or other, knew exactly what they were trying to achieve with this ad. You will not have us believe that not one person on that committee did not see a problem with this ad. The round table was full of people saying “Can we do this please can we do this?” “How much will our stock go up”? “What will our profit be?” “This is the Donald Trump era we will make history for being bold enough to advertise racism” Dove is not the only company out there that has been bold enough to let us know upfront that they believe brown skin means dirty skin. I know some of you cannot believe that in 2017 we still have to deal with this but HELLO people wake up. This is a never-ending battle that people of color will always have to face. Companies don’t want us to believe that black is beautiful hell black people don’t believe black is beautiful. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that this ad was demeaning and disrespectful and racist. The problem is not what this ad stands for the problem is companies like Dove that don’t realize the impacted they have when they advertise horrible things like this. Young men and women look at these ads and question themselves and others. Ads like this give Racist people a platform to stand on it is apart of the problem. Dove knew exactly what they were promoting with this ad and we need to realize we can hit these major companies where it hurts. The amount of revenue that African-Americans contribute to companies like Dove could really damage their company if we stop supporting them. Black people need to stop supporting these businesses and support black owned businesses. Stop supporting our oppressors we need to stop allowing these companies to eat off of our discomfort. While they sit back and laugh we continue to make them money.

This isnt Dove’s first time and it won’t be their last. We need to keep posting keep speaking keep using our voices and let it be known that we see what they’re trying to sell and we are not with this shit.

“Racist” Ad


Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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