PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.

This definition does not give an accurate picture of what it is like to actually live with PCOS. Lets start with loss of hair in good places and the gaining of hair in bad places. The pain I feel in my lower stomach and also in my rectal area. How tired I feel at random times even when I have received a good night sleep. And of course the main downfall is not being able to get pregnant. Now don’t feel to bad for me because I am a mother of two beautiful girls ages 16 & 13. But neither of my girls were planned and I was also a teen mom. Once I got my life together and felt like I was in a good place to do this parenting thing all over again I sought out a fertility doctor and decided on artificial insemination after the first two were unsuccessful I had some test done and was diagnosed with PCOS. Four years later and six IUI’s and no positive pregnancy test. I said to myself why would I actually get pregnant when I am ready and want to have a baby. The universe doesn’t work that way. I have given up the hope of having a little boy bc financially I cannot afford to continue to have IUI’S and I definitely cannot afford IVF so I have to accept the fact that I will not have anymore children. That was something hard to deal with and one of the many reasons why I saw a therapist. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally tired and all the hormones I had to take were taking a toll on my body as well.

PCOS has definitely left a mark on my everyday life, I have to shave my chin at least twice a week due to me growing a damn beard which I am almost positive is coming from the head. Since I am loosing my hair especially on the side. I hate it every time I look in the mirror I just want to place the hair back. Also a lot of women experience weight gain but no not me I experience weight loss and I am sure some will be like whats wrong with that? Well I am already a petite woman I don’t want to be 100 pounds that’s not cute in my eyes. I don’t care what others think but I would like to feel good about myself. I also have the worse migraines ever, sometimes I can’t even get out of bed.

As if all of that is not enough PCOS can lead to ovarian Cancer, type 2 diabetes, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Sleep apnea, Depression, anxiety and eating disorders, Metabolic syndrome (a cluster of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease). Those are just some of the side effects.

I am a believer that we should tell our stories in hope that we can help others out there dealing with the same issue. whether it be a disease, a disorder, anything. Everyone has a different story and something to bring to the table. I am already a Domestic Violence Advocate, a spokes person for teen moms, and now I hope on my way to be apart of the PCOS advocacy family. It’s important to let health insurances know that this disease is serious and what it can lead to is more life threatening then the actually syndrome. Our voice, and concerns matter and should be heard.There is no cure for PCOS (YET) and there isn’t an exact cause of PCOS either but 1 in 10 women have it that is something to talk about. I have noticed over the past few years more and more women and doctors are speaking about PCOS and that makes me happy. I will just be one more woman who decide not to let this bring me down but to stand in my truth and talk about it.



YES, That is hair on my chin… Living with PCOS


Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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