Writing my thoughts and feelings has been something I have been doing since I was young. Because I am an introvert expressing myself wasn’t always easy for me. Writing in a journal was something I realized early on not only made me happy but also made me feel better. This road we call life has not been an easy road to travel. Being a single mom at the age of nineteen, a domestic violence survivor and coming out as a bi-sexual woman has definitely made life interesting. At times I use to wonder when would it end? When would I see the light? When would I have a chance to just breathe? When those days came I would just write. Not wanting others to know how I was feeling or what I was going through.

This is why I decided to start blogging. I love the idea of connecting with people and sharing pieces of my life. I am working towards writing a book about my life experiences and sharing how I overcame a lot of obstacles, but my blog will focus more on my present life. I will blog about cooking recipes, eating healthy, keeping a home while working full-time, and raising two girls (one a teenager) I will blog about my passion for decorating, natural hair, and travel. I will discuss how important it is for women to speak out against domestic violence. It will be about everyday life stuff that women, moms, and lesbians go through. I would love for my blog to touch someone or for people to find it helpful but it is definitely something I am doing for the fun of writing. It makes me happy to give advice and just tell people about things I have found or how I’ve handled particular situations. Hope you find what you’re looking for here….


“Mother. Survivor. Writer.”