Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, and one of the world’s few remaining communist states.

I had the pleasure of traveling to this beautiful country with one of my dearest friends Latoya. She went to celebrate her birthday and I went because I wanted no needed to get away to do something exciting. What better place to get away to but Cuba. It was an amazing trip, absolutely beautiful. I had such a wonderful time. I even contemplated moving there. I am not really going to move but that’s how beautiful it was there.  We went on two tours; the tour guides were so nice and very informative. Cuban natives they were both excited to show us their homeland. One of the tours we went on was the Ernest Hemingway tour. He loved Cuba wrote a lot of his books there and even lived there for a long period. We were able to tour his home and his study. The house was beautiful. The second tour was of Havana, the capital of Cuba. It felt like I went back in time. The cars, the houses, the people felt like one big old school movie. I cherished each moment of it, all the original structure of the buildings still in tacked and put together nicely. The food was delicious; the vendors were definitely a better option than the restaurants in my opinion. The nightlife was fun also, the natives were nice welcoming and we had a really good time. I loved touring old Havana and the hotel was nice. You could tell it was an older building but still a very nice hotel. I am definitely going to return and stay a little longer and make sure I see the beach. If you have the chance to visit Cuba I definitely recommend going. The country is filled with such culture and history.    




Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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