“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”. Aristotle Onassis

44927dfab8cef80ec23ae640641aa0f1This day like a lot of days in my life will forever be sketched in my head. The start of my senior year, which for all high schoolers is the best year of our lives. I remember walking down campus and chit chatting with friends just discussing how excited we were to be back at school & catching up. When one of my classmates notice there was a lot of smoke across the river. We really couldn’t tell if it was a fire, there was just so much smoke. We were looking and talking about it when we noticed  a plane flying very low and before we could blink the plane went into the building. We were just in shock, I remember we kept asking each other did you see that? Was that real? We ran back to the main building thinking we were about to inform every one of what we saw but what we didn’t know was the smoke we saw first was the first plane hitting the Twin Towers. So when we walked into the cafeteria teachers and students were already frantic and had already heard the news. No one knew why or what made the plane crash at the time and of course no one was thinking terrorism we just knew there was a plane crash. Students were calling their parents and we were watching the news and even reporters had no idea how this could happen. To be honest no one was focused on why we were more worried about the people thousands of people work live walk travel through Manhattan and what about the people on the plane? It was definitely a feeling that you can’t explain. Your just afraid, confused, and you feel helpless like what can I do, but there was nothing we could do but watch and wait and pray. Every year on this day I remember that feeling I remember seeing my classmates panic about their families. This day like many days in America’s history is hard for everyone the emotions the anger the memories of loved ones. Feeling afraid for your life it affects everyone. We couldn’t have known the truth of that day or what would come after. What we can do it #NEVERFORGET the lives that were lost. The brave efforts of our #FDNY #EMS #NYPD #ARMEDFORCES #CIVILIANS everyone who sacrificed to try to save a life that day and definitely for our #SOLDIERS who every single day risk their lives for us leaving behind their loved ones. We were definitely ONE on this day we came together and over the past 14 yrs have made sure these lives are not forgotten and we appreciate the sacrifices of all first responders.

Remembering 9/11


Raised in the BEST city on earth... New York City....

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